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Early learning centre nurturing young explorers

Nurturing Young Explorers in the Early Learning Centre

Our Early Learning Centre (ELC) provides a stimulating educational environment that fosters a passion for lifelong learning in every child. We recognise that children are strong, capable, and resourceful. As social beings brimming with imagination and curiosity, they are continuously seeking understanding and meaning.

ELTHAM guides our young students to reflect upon and contribute to their own learning journey, through many different ‘languages’ of communication and expression.

The Early Learning Centre (ELC) Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to excite and engage, encouraging young children to actively participate in the world around them. We create environments where imagination and creativity flourish, enabling children to discover and explore. This approach integrates essential learning skills, ensuring the very best in early education. 

Early Learning Centre Programs

Our skilled teaching team thoughtfully design our classrooms to be visually appealing and enriching. This is complemented by weekly specialist sessions in Music, Library, and Perceptual Motor Programs. These intentionally curated experiences enhance your child’s early learning journey.  

ELTHAM’s renowned Bush Adventuring Program brings nature-based education to life. Here on campus grounds, children actively engage in learning and exploration within our own Environmental Reserve, becoming immersed in sustainability concepts and the wonders of the natural world.  

Early learning centre schedule

The Early Learning Centre Schedule

Our early learning centre offers a nurturing learning environment where children’s own natural rhythms are valued and respected.

3- and 4-year-old kindergarten programs operate from 8.45am to 3.15pm. We offer options for 3 to 5 days of attendance.

ELTHAM is dedicated to integrating children’s experience, culture, and learning journeys with their families, establishing meaningful and reciprocal connection between the home and the Early Learning Centre.

Early Learning Centre Extended Hours Care

Our range of extended hours care options are available to complement the ELC program.

The Early Learning Centre extended hours care offers Before Care, After Care and Holiday Care, available for casual and permanent bookings. This service ensures your child receives education and care in a safe and nurturing environment from 7.15am – 6.30pm, 50 weeks a year. Families will enjoy the benefits of having your child participating in our exceptional Early Learning program with flexible care options.

Please note the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) can be applied to our Early Learning Centre (ELC) Programs. CCS covers some child care expenses for eligible families. For more details, please view our Information Sheet.

Early learning centre Eltham College

Belonging, Being and Becoming at the Early Learning Centre

At ELTHAM, the diverse cultural backgrounds of our children and families are celebrated.

The Early Years Learning Framework – Belonging, Being and Becoming – highlights that belonging (knowing where and with whom you belong) is integral to human experience.

Children belong first to a family, a cultural group, a neighbourhood, and a wider community. Belonging acknowledges children’s interdependence with others and the basis of relationships in defining identities. In early childhood and throughout life, relationships are crucial to a sense of belonging. It is vital in early childhood and is central to a child’s sense of self and their potential for growth.

In this context, our culture plays a pivotal role in nurturing children’s growth in their social confidence. By fostering the skills of teamwork, respect, turn taking, listening, sharing, and contributing, we support children in developing essential skills. These skills are essential for their integration into a positive and caring learning community. ELC guides their journey of becoming and belonging, shaping who they are and who they will become.

The National Quality Standard (NQS) sets a national benchmark for the quality of children’s education and care services across Australia.  Our ELC underwent a comprehensive assessment, evaluating us against the seven quality areas of the NQS. We are proud to announce that our service has been awarded a rating of ‘Exceeding’ in all seven of the National Quality Standards:

  • Educational program and practice
  • Children’s health and safety
  • Physical environment
  • Staffing arrangements
  • Relationships with children
  • Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  • Leadership and service management
Early learning centre garden Eltham College

Explore Early Learning Centre at ELTHAM

We look forward to welcoming you and your family to our Early Learning Centre.

Curious to explore our campus? Attend a scheduled ELTHAM in Action Early Learning Centre tour.

For more information or to arrange a personal tour, please contact our Head of Admissions, Franceen Challons, or phone +613 9437 142

Attend a scheduled ELTHAM in Action ELC tour